What’s On
You Can Now Book Your Table Online
No need to register, and it only takes 30 seconds! Avoid disappointment and book ahead and by doing so you can receive some great special offers. Book Now!
Pub Quiz
Every Thursday from 8.30pm. All new teams welcome – and if you are alone, just come along and we’ll happily get you a team to join! Monies raised from the weekly quiz will go towards local causes
Mother’s Day – Sunday 19th March
Book now to avoid disappointment on this very popular day!
A range of extra special desserts and more, so come along for a great treat for mums
Don’t forget we are open every lunchtime and we have some great options for the lighter (or fuller) appetites!
Coffee and Cake every Wednesday Afternoon!
Handmade cake specials and fresh coffee. Available between 12noon and 3pm. Discounted special offers so please pop along
Fish ‘n’ Chips Night every Wednesday
Book now for your fish and chips take out. Full CHIPPY style menu every Wednesday – so make Wednesdays your take out night!
You can look at the menu here